
Who is Dave? And Why Should I Listen to Him?


Dave at 55
Dave at 55

I’m not a lifelong health and fitness fanatic. I wasn’t the picture of health as a child. I am not a gifted athlete.

I’m not into extreme sports. I’m not a daredevil.

I’m not a marathoner. I’m not a runner. Don’t like it. Never have. Don’t get it.

That’s okay!

Most people don’t get my quirky, eclectic taste in music either. That’s okay, too.

I have the utmost respect for runners, their commitment, overcoming plateaus, recovering from injuries and persevering through pain. I am awed by the massive commitment of time marathoners devote to preparing for race day.

But that ain’t me and that’s not what you’re going to get from me. My interests are all over the map. I’m too easily distracted. I can barely stand ten minutes on a treadmill, much less a leisurely ten-mile trot through the woods preparing for the next half-marathon.

Maybe I’m soft. Or maybe I have other interests. Maybe you do, too.

If you like to run, more power to you. I won’t discourage you. I also won’t join you.

If you want a dance class, go for it. That ain’t me. Boot camp? Sure! If you’re so inclined. I’m not.

If you want the latest and greatest fitness gadget or the newest exercise craze, you won’t find it here. Doesn’t mean we won’t talk about these things. Doesn’t mean I’ll dismiss them. But we’re not going to keep up with the Joneses and we’re not doing infomercials.

My views and advice on fitness are often contrary to that of so many self-proclaimed industry experts. I will most definitely challenge conventional fitness wisdom.

But let’s make something crystal clear:

My words and observations are not intended to replace or serve as professional medical or nutritional advice.

I am not a doctor. I am not a Registered Dietician. I am not a Physical Therapist. I’m just a guy who changed the way I lived because of certain events in my life. A health crisis and a visit to the emergency room prompted me to change the way I ate. And that led me to change how I approached my own fitness. And that led me to get certified as a personal trainer. And ultimately change careers.

All of these life changes were designed with one purpose in mind…

To live to 100.  And help you get there, too (if you dare).

Not just survive, mind you. Not just limp forward a day at a time.

I want to get to that 100th birthday rockin’, baby.

If God permits.

There’s so much inside of me that needs to come out. It’ll take at least that long. To help you any way I can. To say what I think needs to be said.

Here’s one thing you need to know:  I absolutely love helping people. Knowing that I’m helping you charges my batteries. Period. As a Certified Public Accountant and a financial planner, I helped clients pay less tax (legally!) and improve their financial future. I was passionate. I was an evangelist for the cause.

After my health crisis, I never thought the same way again.

What good is fiscal fitness without physical fitness?

What good is wealth without health

That’s who you’re dealing with.

My mission is to improve your quality of life.

Not deprive you of your favorite food.

Not make your life miserable because your body doesn’t ache enough from the last punishing workout. Not ignore your body’s demands or pleas for mercy. Not push you through this workout “because today is legs and back day, so… sorry your back is a little achy, suck it up and work through it.”

That’s not me.

The more you hang around, the more you’ll hear about my story. I was never obese. I don’t know what it’s like to lose 100 pounds. Or 50 pounds. Or even 30.

However, I do know what it’s like…

… to be the underweight weakling.

… to be the pudgy kid in grade school.

… to absolutely despise and avoid the weight room (think high school).

… to do whatever it took to avoid physical education class (think college).

… to have low self-esteem.

I also know what it’s like to juggle a mundane career, kids, a wife (okay, okay… I know that husbands are typically higher maintenance than wives. Gimme a break… just having a little fun).

But we both know what it’s like to juggle all of life’s responsibilities and at the same time attempt to take care of ourselves.

Most of the time, we relegate our priorities to the bottom of the daily to do list.


So when you read that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends “30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three to five days per week,” I say:

Don’t sweat it (get it??)… don’t sweat it if you can’t do that. And don’t think that you’re a failure or not making progress if you can’t adhere to that recommended guideline!”

Note my words carefully.

I didn’t say their guidelines are a bunch of B.S….

I said:


“Don’t sweat the details. We’ll do the best we can.

And you will make progress.”


Here’s the cool thing about progress.

It’s infectious.

When you discover that you’re making small strides forward, you’ll want to know what comes next. Small successes build upon themselves.

Soon, small successes will add up to big successes.

And more progress.

And you will feel better about yourself.

Despite your perceived lack of adherence to some misunderstood guideline.

So all of this is my long-winded caution to expect the unexpected from me. And for as long as our relationship lasts.

My hope is that it lasts a long time. Because if it does, I will presumably still be making a difference in your life.

Which is my mission in life.

To help make yours better.

I look forward to helping you any way I can.

“To 100 and beyond!”

Rock on.


  1. Pingback: My Backstory: The Prequel – Dave Kwiecinski

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