
How Much Money Do You Waste On Supplements?

We’re deep in the throes of post-holiday ordinariness and Resolution Season. Not quite the middle of January, so most people haven’t given up on their resolutions. Yet. (Note: that’s unscientific speculation on the part of yours truly.) Grocery store ads are replete with healthy food, fat burners, energy boosters, basic fitness essentials, and other “health” […]

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Health and Fitness Resolutions: Quick Fix or Permanent Solution?

So often… No. Too often… … you and I approach the start of a commitment to “get more fit” or “get in shape” with the wrong mindset. We look for the magic potion, the secret formula, the quick fix. We speak in platitudes. We talk about toning flabby arms and running an eight-minute mile. We […]

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Why Should You Listen to a Pudgy Kid and “Recovering CPA” for Fitness Advice?

Why should you listen to a “recovering CPA” for fitness advice? How can a pudgy grade school kid, a kid who avoided the high school and college weight room like The Plague, help you navigate the food and party frenzy that awaits almost all of us in the next two weeks? Am I’m the right […]

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Low Calories

As I sit here licking my lips from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I just devoured (hey, even fitness studs like me — NOT!!! — have breakdowns every now and then), I’m going to pick on an e-mail I received today from my favorite coffeehouse.  They shall remain nameless simply because I’m going to […]

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